My class. :D

"One day last November, I was asked what my life story was.

My life story, uh, whuuu?

What is a life story, anyways? Do I start at the beginning, what stories do I tell? I had seven days to answer this friend back. I was a little surprised and taken back, I mean, how does one take something so expansive as life and fit it into one small project?

I put it off for a bit, tried not think about it for a few days. I could answer in any medium I chose. I got this idea in my head for a "life story box", even began making it. Because of lack of time and, well, focus, I ended up making a book.

I like books. I like the messy ones, where the pages aren't all the same sizes and they are too bulky for their own good, and where the emotions and words are thrown up all over.

A month ago I started working on this life story box and it evolved into something I am very proud of.

We can’t write it all down. We can’t draw and paint and splatter in all out. This class is meant as the bedrock and foundations of telling this story. An abbreviated version of your life, if you will. Small prompts everyday, ideas about how to get started, suggestions about the book, our treasure box, and the photos we’ll be taking......."

This is a 38 page PDF with full class content that was ran in February of 2009. Included is:

Step by step instructions for creating a Life Story box
2-3 daily journaling prompts
Photography prompts
Technique Highlight
6 days of content



Nother peaky...


Treasure Box.